You have a packed day of waxing and you’re rockin’ through your day making each person hair free like a boss. Even the best drip a little wax here and there throughout the day. It ends up on the top of your wax warmer, on the sides and even the counter. Now you need to clean your warmer and surfaces.
Cleaning Your Wax Warmer
Traditionally the best way to clean your warmer is to turn on the warmer and let the wax soften so you can wipe it clean. This is only part of the cleaning, what about the outside of the warmer and the counter? Many wax manufacturers also offer cleaning products that remove the wax. The wax removal cleaners are meant to be used on any part of the warmer and other hard surfaces. Many of these cleaners are pretty strong chemicals. Using these strong cleaners on the outside of the warmer or other surfaces long enough may remove or strip the shiny finish or logos. These types of wax removal cleaners work similar to nail polish remover. Make sure you use them in well ventilated areas.
Removing Soft Wax
Soft or strip wax is recommended to be removed with oils. Put your back into it, this process is not quick or easy. A little or a lot of oil on a soft cloth removes the soft wax depending on the situation. The oily cloth should be something you wouldn’t mind throwing away after. Many wax manufacturers offer pre and post wax oils, these can be used to remove soft wax from other surfaces just like you would use the oil to remove wax residue on a person’s skin.
Removing Hard Wax
Hard wax is also recommended to be removed with oils. Larger amounts of dripped hard wax can be chipped away once cooled. The remaining bits can be removed with oils similar to how you would remove soft wax.
Removing Sugar Wax
Sugar Wax of course is water soluble and can be easily cleaned with a warm damp cloth. Sugar doesn’t have the challenges of traditional wax products. I love sugar myself and exclusively use sugar for my famous 7-minute Brazilian services. That’s another blog story, stay tuned for that edition.
This is an extreme example – but it’s the reality of some. Consider a salon with different estheticians using the same work station. Let’s say no one has time to clean and eventually the warmer looks like this. In my humble opinion, this warmer, even brand new, doesn’t look “professional”.

How Often Should You Clean Your Wax Warmer?
Ideally your warmer should be cleaned regularly. How regularly? Time permitting keeping up with spills and drips between each client is best and will avoid an accumulation that you may never recover from. At the end of your day it should be part of your normal closing cleaning routine. At the very least it should be a weekly task.
Pro tip: Most warmers are not designed to have wax placed directly into the warmer. If you read the wax manufacturer instructions many, if not all of them, instruct us to use a tin.
Where Can I Purchase Body Wax
Wax can be purchased in several ways. Prefilled wax tin, these tins should be placed into the warmer. These tins can be reused and refilled with wax bricks or wax beads. Wax bricks should be broken into smaller pieces. Those pieces should be placed into an empty or replacement wax tin to then be put into the warmer. Wax beads should also be placed into an empty or replacement wax tin to then be put into the warmer. Some might wonder why you shouldn’t put wax directly into the warmer, you may have been putting wax directly in the warmer for years and it works fine.
Think of cooking on a stove top, you wouldn’t pour your soup directly onto the burner to cook it, you would put the soup into a pot to cook. The heat the warmer produces is meant to be diffused by the tin for even heating. Empty tins can be purchased at any beauty supply shop or even places like Amazon. If you like to scrape your stick on the side, some tins come with a built in scraper bar.
An Easier Way to Clean Your Wax Warmer
As many of you know, I’m an esthetician just like you and go through everything you just read. I’m not special, I drip wax from time to time too. The warmer is client facing, we all want to look as clean and professional as possible. I wanted to find a better way for all of us so I’ve been on this journey to create a better warmer. Cooking is a rare event for me, but I realized that there are so many silicone cooking tools on the market. The reason there are so many silicone cooking tools is because silicone is naturally non-stick. Silicone acts just like human skin. Considering this, I figured the methods used to remove wax from human skin is how to remove it from silicone. The creation of the silicone skin was born and it works like a charm. Oil is still recommended for easy removal but you won’t break a sweat doing it. Mella’s silicone skin covers the entire outside of the warmer so the whole warmer is protected, not just the top like the little cardboard ring. It is also removable and replaceable. Remove the silicone skin for deep cleaning. It can be thoroughly washed with your favorite cleaner and even submerged in water or run through the dishwasher. Can your current warmer do that?
Keeping your work space clean and professional has never been easier. No need to replace your entire warmer if it gets old looking or a catastrophic spill happens. Mella’s silicone skin can simply be replaced. Color and décor changes can be complimented with Mella’s 6 silicone skin color choices. Heck, you could even change the silicone skin color day by day depending on your mood. Check out our professional wax warmers today. Happy cleaning!